Stack Pack Grit Recycling - Blast Skid

Stack Pack Grit Recycling – Blast Skid


Stack Pack Grit Recycling - Blast Skid is the leading industrial grit abrasive systems in the market. If you have been looking for this equipment without success, you have come to the right place. At Pacific Dust Collectors & Equipment, this equipment tops our inventory. In case you don’t understand how this equipment works, our experts in abrasive blasting will provide all the information you need. What are you waiting for? Make an order today!

About ADI Stack Pack Grit Recycling - Blast Skid
The Stack Pack Grit Recycling - Blast Skid is an exceptional product. it has several features that make it outstanding, including:

  • Compact design
  • Heavy-duty skid containing ISO box corners made for lifting eye attachments
  • A top-load vertical filter arrangement
  • Solid-state 24VDC blasting controls
  • Big mouth features with remote choke/blowdown/blast and 4-wire Deadman switches
  • Specialized controls which enable every pot to be maintained offline and depressurized individually while others are in operation
  • ...And more